
Explainer class provides a set of methods for interpreting and understanding the behavior of fitted estimators such as RUGClassifier, RUXClassifier, RUXLGBMClassifier, or RUXXGBClassifier.

class ruleopt.Explainer

Initializes the Explainer with a given estimator. The estimator must be fitted and of a type that inherits from _RUGBASE, such as RUGClassifier, RUXClassifier, RUXLGBMClassifier, or RUXXGBClassifier.


estimator (ruleopt.estimator instance) – A fitted estimator of a type that inherits from _RUGBASE.

retrieve_rule_details(feature_names=None, indices=None, info=True)

Retrieves and optionally prints detailed information about the specified rules. If indices are provided, information for those specific rules is returned. Otherwise, information for all rules is returned.

  • feature_names (list or None, default=None) – List of feature names for more readable rule descriptions. If None, indices are used.

  • indices (list or None, default=None) – Indices of the rules to retrieve. If None, retrieves all rules.

  • info (bool, default=True) – If True, prints the rules’ details in a human-readable format.


A dictionary mapping each rule index to its details, including label, weight, rule description, and statistical distribution. If a rule has no conditions, it sets the majority class.

Return type:


find_applicable_rules_for_samples(x, threshold=0.0, feature_names=None, info=True)

Identifies which rules apply to each instance in the provided input data based on a given threshold. Optionally, prints detailed information about each rule that applies to the instances.

  • x (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)) – The training input samples. Internally, it will be converted to dtype=np.float32.

  • threshold (float, default=0.0) – Minimum rule weight threshold for considering a rule as covering an instance.

  • feature_names (list or None, default=None) – List of feature names for more readable rule descriptions. If None, indices are used.

  • info (bool, default=True) – If True, prints the details of the applicable rules for each instance.


A list of lists, where each inner list contains the indices of rules that cover the corresponding instance in x.

Return type:



Calculates and optionally prints the total number of rules and the average rule length within the model.

If instance is not covered by any rule, rule length counts as 0.


info (bool, default=True) – If True, prints the summary information.


A dictionary containing ‘num_of_rules’ (the total number of rules) and ‘avg_rule_length’ (the average length of the rules).

Return type:


evaluate_rule_coverage_metrics(x, info=True)

Calculates metrics including the number of instances not covered by any rule (‘num_of_missed’), the average number of rules per sample (‘avg_num_rules_per_sample’), and the average rule length per sample (‘avg_rule_length_per_sample’). Optionally, prints this information.

If instance is not covered by any rule, rule length counts as 0.

  • x (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)) – The training input samples. Internally, it will be converted to dtype=np.float32.

  • info (bool, default=True) – If True, prints the calculated metrics.


A dictionary with calculated metrics: ‘num_of_missed’, ‘avg_num_rules_per_sample’, and ‘avg_rule_length_per_sample’.

Return type:
